We have many ways that members become involved within our band other than through music. Here are just some.
Band Auxiliary
The Band Auxiliary is made up of spouses, parents and family of band members. Its purpose is to organize band and social functions throughout the year.
Working Bees
Regular bi-monthly working bees are held at the Band Centre to keep the building, fittings and equipment in good repair as well as working on special projects for specific reasons. All members are expected to attend some of these working bees throughout the year. These working bees are also a good way to meet some of the other band members in a social setting.
Social Committee
We are lucky enough to have a great group of members who work closely with the Band Auxiliary to organise social functions. These have been a hit with band members in the past and have provided great social interaction time between members.
Band Day & Solo Competitions
School holiday band days and “in house” solo competitions are held as an extension to the training program for all members.
“Da Capo” Newsletter
A Band newletter “Da Capo” is published every month comprising news of band activities past, present and future. All members are encouraged to submit items and/or photographs for publication.